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Info on the development of GameBase

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Info on the development of GameBase

Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:52 pm

Hi all,

I've been mega busy the last year or so with two young kids, a house move and running two businesses, that I've not had time to work on GameBase at all.

I don't see my non-gamebase responsibilities changing much over the next couple of years, so I must be honest with everyone and say it's likely I'll not be working on it for the forseeable future.

I had previously worked on a database format for a planned new version of GameBase (dubbed: GB2), which can be found here: -


I had a few ideas how to approach coding a new version - was probably going to go with vb.net or c# for speed of development, but also toyed with the idea of using Qt for cross-platform versions.

If anyone wishes to take this new DB format/idea, evolve it and make a new GB frontend, then feel free. Happy to offer assistance in any way I can (in a small capacity). I'd even be up for participating in an opensource project (e.g. sourceforge) if a new version is started by someone(s) - although my role would be small.

Lastly, thanks for all the support over the years. This isn't me 'signing off', I'll still be about, but I can't commit to active development right now. Life is just too busy.


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Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:33 pm

Gamebase must always be at the bottom of the list, when it comes to family and business.

I have tried many Front End utils over the years.
Some might have more options, others have better graphics.
dare i say some are just plain bloated and processor hungry.

What makes Gamebase stand out, is the simplicity and ease of use to actually create a Gamebase.
Which has given me much retro gaming pleasure. :)

I would love somone to tweak the code, fixing any minor bugs, but leaving the mdb format and core intact.

in a nutshell. KEEP IT SIMPLE.

i for one, won't be remaking any current GameBases in a new format.
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Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:04 pm

.mad. wrote:Gamebase must always be at the bottom of the list, when it comes to family and business.

I have tried many Front End utils over the years.
Some might have more options, others have better graphics.
dare i say some are just plain bloated and processor hungry.

What makes Gamebase stand out, is the simplicity and ease of use to actually create a Gamebase.
Which has given me much retro gaming pleasure. :)

I would love somone to tweak the code, fixing any minor bugs, but leaving the mdb format and core intact.

in a nutshell. KEEP IT SIMPLE.

i for one, won't be remaking any current GameBases in a new format.
Thanks .mad.

Any future version would more than likely (the plan was) have an import for existing GB databases, so you wouldn't have to manually convert or remake anything.
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Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:47 pm

Jimbo, we all understand you, GameBase is awesome already, I'm not sure if tell this after reading your post, but if instead a new version with new features, what about somekind of final version with just bugfixes reported in the forum? We can make a list of them to save time maybe, but anyway thanks a lot for what you already did! :D
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Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:24 pm

millansoft wrote:Jimbo, we all understand you, GameBase is awesome already, I'm not sure if tell this after reading your post, but if instead a new version with new features, what about somekind of final version with just bugfixes reported in the forum? We can make a list of them to save time maybe, but anyway thanks a lot for what you already did! :D

If someone wants to collate all the bugs into a single post I will take a look... no promises tho!

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Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:44 pm

Jimbo, I took a look at the forum and I found the following bugs reported

Bug List:

1 - Play Game button is disabled (grayed out) if your Windows 8.1 account isn't Administrator


2 - Environment variables are case sensitive, where they shouldn't be.
After setting this key=value pair:

TestKey=Test Message

This GEMUS code doesn't work:
If Key_TestKey CONTAINS(*)
End If

It only displays Test Message if there aren't any capitals in %testkey_value%. In the example above a message box is displayed with %TestKey_Value% in it.
However, Key_TestKey properly isn't case sensitive, %TestKey_value% should behave the same way.


3 - Another GEMUS-related issue (or am I overlooking something?):

When using this script:
If NumGameFiles > 1
Show_Message(multiple game files!)
Show_Message(Just one game file!)
End If

and setting Supported Native File Types to d64;g64

The script returns "multiple game files!" when started from a Zip file containing 2 D64 files, but returns "Just one game file!" if the Zip file contains 2 G64 files.

In other words: "NumGameFiles > 1" is always false when I use G64 disk images, even if I specify G64 as a supported native file type.


4 - Just a bug I noticed that in the most recent version of Gamebase when it automatically names the game for me let's say it's called "Whatever II" instead of listing as "Whatever II" it changes it to "Whatever Ii" and than I have to click on it on the list and rename it by hand.. not a huge problem as it doesn't come up a lot but just letting you know

- Gamebase Emulator Setup Wizard has a BUG.
i mentioned it a while ago, but i might know what it is. icon_idea.gif

using gemus.dat.
It can fail to find emulator .EXE files for certain crc32.

Only noticed the bug with two emulators so far, and the only common thing i can see, is they both have a crc32 that starts with a Zer0.


¬Caprice¬http://sourceforge.net/projects/caprice ... cap32.cfg¬
¬Classic99 v359¬http://harmlesslion.com/software/classi ... SIC99.INI¬


5 - GameBase will crash if certain characters are used, while flipping through filters/ favourites.

To duplicate the crash.

scroll through the gamebase list near the top ($100,000)
and while holding cursor up (scrolling through list)
click mouse in filter box, the filters will wrap round and crash at any music or game name containing...
"$" "?" "!"

other none NORMAL characters maybe a problem as well.
when gamebase crashes, use task manager to exit.
then run regedit and view the INVALID game or music file in the default view.

Just noticed the filter doesn't match with the list at the crash.

so it's a filter wrap round crash.
it crashes because the filter doesn't stop at the top (ALL Games).
it wraps round putting the selected item in the quick filter.
which doesn't accept those characters.

can you please make a small hot fix. icon_wink.gif

Also when you update GameBase to v1.4.
Please can you make a error check on all incompatible entries, which all cause the front end to crash.

If a Classic Game doesn't have a rating of 5.
(only possible when editing the MDB in Access) it crashes.
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Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:39 am

i see gamebase source is Visual basic.
Any chance to converted or written in C.
In this way could be ported on any platform
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Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:45 pm

I would like it converted to .net
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Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:37 pm

hardmanm wrote:I would like it converted to .net
If i understand this correctly???...

http://visualbasic.about.com/b/2011/01/ ... vb-net.htm

we can convert it in stages only by using vb 2008 then 2008-2010

VB2008 pro version (90 day trial)
This version has the File, Open, Convert... option.

Microsoft InteropForms Toolkit 2.1
Allows developers to incorporate VB.NET WinForms into their VB6 applications.

http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download ... px?id=3264
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Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:18 pm


Just an idea, I found this site:


I don't know much about programming, but maybe a conversion to JAVA guarantee that GameBase could be used in any OS

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