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Affiliate marketing scripts running on viewtopic.php

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Affiliate marketing scripts running on viewtopic.php

Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:23 pm

Any viewtopic.php page, such as https://gb64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6026&start=105, attempts to load a suspicious script:

Code: Select all

	var vglnk = {
		key: 'e4fd14f5d7f2bb6d80b8f8da1354718c',
		sub_id: '3604403a78f8cab663c64a5a2f09e086'

	(function(d, t) {
		var s = d.createElement(t); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true;
		s.src = '//cdn.viglink.com/api/vglnk.js';
		var r = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r);
	}(document, 'script'));
This looks like an affiliate marketing script. In certain circumstances, this script may wrap copied links to forward them via hxxps://redirect.viglink.com.

It also loads a few scripts from other domains, such as hxxps://d35m0nfeeqvaj5.cloudfront.net/commerce-js.iife.js, they log bogus stuff in the console:

Code: Select all

INFO [CommerceJS - generateShoppingGallery] initiating shopping gallery generation commerce-js.iife.js:1:373
INFO [CommerceJS - generateShoppingGallery] verifying shopping gallery container present commerce-js.iife.js:1:373
ERROR [CommerceJS - generateShoppingGallery] error generating shopping gallery Error: No shopping gallery containers found
    p commerce-js.iife.js:1
    _ commerce-js.iife.js:1
    K commerce-js.iife.js:9
    K commerce-js.iife.js:9
    M commerce-js.iife.js:9
    onload vglnk.js:formatted:2904
LOG [CommerceJS - generateShoppingGallery] run completed in 00m:00s
Obviously, such shady third-party scripts running in the context of a logged-in user pose certain risks, so make sure to use uBlock Origin to block it.

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