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error with new version of office...

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error with new version of office...

Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:22 am

I posted this in the 'gamebase v7' section, and also highlighted the error running the latest version of office 2007.
Is this being looked into?
I run standalone on the Harddisc, using relative pathing, and all required files contained in the gamabase directories.
Is this a registry (new version of OCX taking precident over old, for example) issue?

arthur_gill@hotmaIl.com wrote:FOrgot to say this is running in 'relative path' (standalone) on a winXP sp3 machine with office 2007 ultimate - maxed to the hilt (all options on including .net integration options).

Thought it may be of use to include this infor for a future (ver 7?) release.

I understand there are 2 ways of having an access database ... MDB? (with and without the requirement of a .ldb.. great for running from a DVD!)

any chance of this being included in a future release of Gamebase ??
Just in case the GB team voice the fact that roms (ahem, 'files' ) should not be included on the same disc as the gamebase..., I admittedly do use relative paths, but it is still possible to manually point to the 'files' on a different location from the Gamebase exe.
I would LOVE to have the ability to have a hard backup on optical that I can run from DVD of all (got lots now) of my gamebases and configs, and have my larger (ok, the 'files' ) items on the pc in a raid config...
The atari ST and amiga gamebases are huge, and asde from the ADFs etc I would love to have the full setup on a runnable DVD... those PDF,s and artwork etc ALSO take up space....
Think about thatwith the C64, and ST, and ZX SPectrum gamebases all on a machine....
Backups aside, I would love to have the standalone MDB option implimented.

code follows..

How To Use Microsoft Access Database On CD/DVD
Normally, when you open a Microsoft Access database, a file (LDB) containing record locking information needed to handle concurrent access to the database is created. Obviously this does not work for Access databases hosted from a CD or DVD because they are read-only devices. To resolve this, you must add the following two parameters to your connection string: ReadOnly=1 and Exclusive=1.

Here is an example for use with ASP Classic 3.0 (VBScript):

Dim DSN, conn
DSN = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("Northwind.mdb") & ";" & _
"UID=admin;" & _
"PWD=;" & _
"ReadOnly=1;" & _
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
%>Here is an example for use with ColdFusion:

<CFQUERY NAME="qrySample"
CONNECTSTRING="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};
SELECT * FROM tblSample
</CFQUERY>Using this method, you can use Microsoft Access databases directly from your CD/DVD without the need of copying it to the user’s hard drive

Not sure if the emulators would fall over as the emulators would also be on my DVD backup (Seperate from the games (FILES!!!!) being on a C: drive , but the location for the temp cached adf, etc???

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Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:23 pm

Hello Arthur,

I saw your post earlier, but didn't really know what to make of it. Can you explain what happens when you install the GB front-end on a machine with Office 2007.. is it crashing now?
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what happens is..

Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:58 am

upon launching an already previously working 100% standalone version using full relative pathing etc....
Gamebase says that the .mdb is an invalid file... (with the error code as listed before)
I am away from home at the mo, so will pad out this reply next week when I am at the pc with the gamebase environments on it.
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Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:56 pm

The read-only option looks pretty easy to implement, although obviously it would reduce the functionality (e.g. GameBase won't be able to update the database to show how recently you played a particular game). I haven't forgotten about the .NET version, but in all honesty it's pretty low on my priority list at the moment; I haven't looked at jGameBase, but it might be better to tweak that.

As for the Office 2007 issue, I'm not sure what to make of that. GameBase doesn't use Access, so installing an extra program shouldn't affect the way it works. Do you also have Office 2003 on there? I'd guess that you're missing the relevant DAO files.
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Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:47 pm

Have you opened the Gamebase datafile with Office 2007 then? It could be it altered something in the file/updating it to a new version...

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