Welcome to the Gamebase 64 forums. An attempt to document ALL Commodore 64 gameware before it's too late!
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- Baracuda
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another update..
german gb users can read in these text about the bugging games hosted here at gamebase and the bugs of the games they looking for..
http://www.c64games.de/presse/Liste_der ... 05-05).txt
german gb users can read in these text about the bugging games hosted here at gamebase and the bugs of the games they looking for..
http://www.c64games.de/presse/Liste_der ... 05-05).txt
- Baracuda
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- Location: earth
11.01.2014: Update
Following games are new at this homepage Alienator (Bad Boys Productions), Alienator (Binary Zone PD), Alienator 93, Amazon Gold, Arcos, Bellringer, Bellringer II, Flok, John Elways Quarterback, Night Raid (Ahoy), Night Raid (TND), Oil Defense, Prowler, Re-Alinator, Redhawk, RGCD 2013 16K Cartridge Competition, Snap Snake, Tetris (DaCapo),The Crack of Doom and monopoly online .
My special thanks go at Adam for Snap Snake and at alke01 for 0 Grad Nord, Afterburner USA, Castle Wolfenstein, Deja Vu, Frighmare, Mord an Bord, Nibelungen, Oil Imperium, Raid over Moscow, Redhawk, The Eidolon, The Last Gladiator, Thundercats, Who Framed Rogger Rabbit and A Mind Forever Voyaging C128.
My special thanks go at Adam for Snap Snake and at alke01 for 0 Grad Nord, Afterburner USA, Castle Wolfenstein, Deja Vu, Frighmare, Mord an Bord, Nibelungen, Oil Imperium, Raid over Moscow, Redhawk, The Eidolon, The Last Gladiator, Thundercats, Who Framed Rogger Rabbit and A Mind Forever Voyaging C128.
- Rough
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- Location: 6581
Re: another update..
Let's go, Baracuda. A nice list to fix, so much to do... ^^Baracuda wrote:22.08.2013
german gb users can read in these text about the bugging games hosted here at gamebase and the bugs of the games they looking for..
http://www.c64games.de/presse/Liste_der ... 05-05).txt
- Baracuda
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- Location: earth
Re: another update..
Rough wrote:Thank you, but i think HTW did a good job and there are enoughBaracuda wrote:22.08.2013
Let's go, Baracuda. A nice list to fix, so much to do... ^^
guys around in these scene with more power, knowledge,
motivation and so on.. You know.. But what's about you looking around for other guys to do these job ?
- Baracuda
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- Location: earth
04.03.2014: Neues Update
1k-Mini-Bdash, Angler 64, Attack Force, BMX Ninja, Colorout, Cuthbert goes Walkabout, Cuthbert in Space, Dark Force, Hummdinger, Nomad of Time, Operation Hormuz, Pro Mountain Bike Simulator, Protium, The Anglers, The Destroyers, The Lost Caves 7, The Lost Caves 8, Whirly Bird, Zombie Brain Eaters und Zombieparty and more..
- Baracuda
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- Location: earth
New update on this homepage
On this homepage you find now totally 6124 programs.
Following games are new at this homepage: 2048, Battle Group, Battlecruiser, Bomb Ace, Bouncing Bill, Castle Boy, CC65 Chess, Combat Course, Combination, Combination Deluxe, Commodore in Space II, Cosmos, D-2000 IFR-Trainer, Dawn Patrol, Flappy Bird, Flying Ace, Ganimedian Rescue, Gold Grabber, Gulf Strike, Happy Flappy, Harald Hardtooth - The Fiight of the clean Tooth, Harald Hardtand - Kampen om de rene Taender, Intrigue, Jack and the Beanstalk (River Software), Jack and the Beanstalk (Thor Computer Software), Jack and the Beanstalk (Victory Software)
On this homepage you find now totally 6124 programs.
Following games are new at this homepage: 2048, Battle Group, Battlecruiser, Bomb Ace, Bouncing Bill, Castle Boy, CC65 Chess, Combat Course, Combination, Combination Deluxe, Commodore in Space II, Cosmos, D-2000 IFR-Trainer, Dawn Patrol, Flappy Bird, Flying Ace, Ganimedian Rescue, Gold Grabber, Gulf Strike, Happy Flappy, Harald Hardtooth - The Fiight of the clean Tooth, Harald Hardtand - Kampen om de rene Taender, Intrigue, Jack and the Beanstalk (River Software), Jack and the Beanstalk (Thor Computer Software), Jack and the Beanstalk (Victory Software)
- Baracuda
- Cool Member
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- Location: earth
On this homepage you find now totally 6163 programs.
Following games are new at this homepage:
1941 - The Secret Conflict, Blob, Bubble Escape 2K, Goofys Railway Express, Maze Dash, Nuclear Reaction 2100, Sokoban 64, Space Trader 64, Spiderbot, The Last Hope, Waterman....
Following games are new at this homepage:
1941 - The Secret Conflict, Blob, Bubble Escape 2K, Goofys Railway Express, Maze Dash, Nuclear Reaction 2100, Sokoban 64, Space Trader 64, Spiderbot, The Last Hope, Waterman....
- Rough
- Cool Member
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- Location: 6581
"Unsere Gesellschaft wird von Verrückten geführt, für verrückte Ziele. Ich glaube wir werden von Wahnsinnigen gelenkt,
zu einem wahnsinnigen Ende und ich glaube ich werde als Wahnsinniger eingesperrt, weil ich das sage. Das ist das Wahnsinnige daran!"
zu einem wahnsinnigen Ende und ich glaube ich werde als Wahnsinniger eingesperrt, weil ich das sage. Das ist das Wahnsinnige daran!"
- groepaz
- New Member
- Baracuda
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- Location: earth
Nein, kein Schwachsinn und ein neues update gibt es auch seit dem 12.04.2015 auf c64games.de, dem eigentlichen Threadthema.Rough wrote:"Unsere Gesellschaft wird von Verrückten geführt, für verrückte Ziele. Ich glaube wir werden von Wahnsinnigen gelenkt,
zu einem wahnsinnigen Ende und ich glaube ich werde als Wahnsinniger eingesperrt, weil ich das sage. Das ist das Wahnsinnige daran!"
- Baracuda
- Cool Member
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- Location: earth
Re: c64games
Für alle die es verpasst haben..
31.10.2017: Happy Halloween! Neues Update auf dieser Homepage
Auf dieser Homepage befinden sich jetzt insgesamt 6619 Programme.
Folgende Spiele und Anwendungen sind neu auf dieser Homepage 1541 Diagnostic Cartridge V1.0, 3 in 1 College and Pro Football, Akalabeth World of Doom, Auf der Suche, Austro-Blitz-Decompiler v3.2, Auto-Kennzeichen, Back to the 80s, Ball (Sputnik World), Basic-Praxis 1, Beholder, Beholder II, Border Blast 3 Enhanced, Border Blast II, Castle of Doom Redux, Cave Raid, Cross Chase, Full Count Baseball und Prodigy.
Mein ganz besonderer Dank geht diesmal an Joachim Henkel für California Games, Cauldron 2, Prodigy, Sidewalk dt., und Schwert und Magie 1-4. und an alke01 für seine D81-Images von 4x4 Off-Road Racing, Atlantis (Ariolasoft), Bad Cat, Bards Tale 1, Bat(B.A.T), Batman - The Movie, BC Bill, Beverly Hills Cop, Black Gold (Starbyte Software), Black Hornet, Black Tiger, Blue Angel 69, Bozuma - Das Geheimnis der Mumie, Bozuma - The Mystery of the Mummy, Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday, Budokan, Buffalo Bills Wild West Show, Börsenfieber, California Games, Castlevania, Caveman Ugh-Lympics, Champions of Krynn, Creatures, Creatures 2, Dark Lord, Dingsda dt. und The Three Stooges.
Auch immer ein Blick wert:
http://www.c64games.de/presse/Liste_der ... 05-05).txt
31.10.2017: Happy Halloween! Neues Update auf dieser Homepage
Auf dieser Homepage befinden sich jetzt insgesamt 6619 Programme.
Folgende Spiele und Anwendungen sind neu auf dieser Homepage 1541 Diagnostic Cartridge V1.0, 3 in 1 College and Pro Football, Akalabeth World of Doom, Auf der Suche, Austro-Blitz-Decompiler v3.2, Auto-Kennzeichen, Back to the 80s, Ball (Sputnik World), Basic-Praxis 1, Beholder, Beholder II, Border Blast 3 Enhanced, Border Blast II, Castle of Doom Redux, Cave Raid, Cross Chase, Full Count Baseball und Prodigy.
Mein ganz besonderer Dank geht diesmal an Joachim Henkel für California Games, Cauldron 2, Prodigy, Sidewalk dt., und Schwert und Magie 1-4. und an alke01 für seine D81-Images von 4x4 Off-Road Racing, Atlantis (Ariolasoft), Bad Cat, Bards Tale 1, Bat(B.A.T), Batman - The Movie, BC Bill, Beverly Hills Cop, Black Gold (Starbyte Software), Black Hornet, Black Tiger, Blue Angel 69, Bozuma - Das Geheimnis der Mumie, Bozuma - The Mystery of the Mummy, Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday, Budokan, Buffalo Bills Wild West Show, Börsenfieber, California Games, Castlevania, Caveman Ugh-Lympics, Champions of Krynn, Creatures, Creatures 2, Dark Lord, Dingsda dt. und The Three Stooges.
Auch immer ein Blick wert:
http://www.c64games.de/presse/Liste_der ... 05-05).txt
- Baracuda
- Cool Member
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- Location: earth
Re: c64games
If you missed the updates.. 
updates on this homepage
You find now totally 6977 programs.
For further infomations look at the left button Games.
Following games are new at this homepage Amok (Phil64), Angiepuffy Quest, Break Out (Eshy Levanoni), C64 Early Goldies Classic Games Collection, Call Me Psycho, Crosswords (Radarsoft), Dawn Beyond UB-11 - Motorhead II, DKJ - Game and Watch, Drunken Chopsticks, Fire, Football (Sublogic), Ghost Town 64, Good Old 8-Bit Games Vol.1, Great Giana Sisters Junior, Hopper Copper, Klett-Trainings-Software Vokabeltraining Spanisch, Krakens, Kruiswoord, Mancala, Megamania, Mercurious, Merge 64, Miami Dice, Monopol, Motorhead, Old Tower, Paradroid (35 Anniversary Edition), Return of the Lions Preview, Road Rally USA, Rogue Trooper, Roulette Tri Micro), Rudy Hammer, Skywalker (LMS), Sniper (Harmic64), Space Mission - A Mini Adventure, Spatial Billiards (Tri Micro), Spilldown, Stealth Mission, Survival Messenger, The Curse of Rabenstein, The Jet v1.00, The Jet v2.00, The Queen Footsteps, Toilet Paper Stacker, Toxic (TND 2020 Edition), Trailblazer 20, Vega (Atwoods Studios), Will Harveys Music Construction Set, Wurmspiel 20 and You had one Job.
My special thanks go at alke01 / Alex for Commando Libya, Peter Shiltons Handball Maradonna, The Vikings, Call Me Psycho and Rogue Trooper,

updates on this homepage
You find now totally 6977 programs.
For further infomations look at the left button Games.
Following games are new at this homepage Amok (Phil64), Angiepuffy Quest, Break Out (Eshy Levanoni), C64 Early Goldies Classic Games Collection, Call Me Psycho, Crosswords (Radarsoft), Dawn Beyond UB-11 - Motorhead II, DKJ - Game and Watch, Drunken Chopsticks, Fire, Football (Sublogic), Ghost Town 64, Good Old 8-Bit Games Vol.1, Great Giana Sisters Junior, Hopper Copper, Klett-Trainings-Software Vokabeltraining Spanisch, Krakens, Kruiswoord, Mancala, Megamania, Mercurious, Merge 64, Miami Dice, Monopol, Motorhead, Old Tower, Paradroid (35 Anniversary Edition), Return of the Lions Preview, Road Rally USA, Rogue Trooper, Roulette Tri Micro), Rudy Hammer, Skywalker (LMS), Sniper (Harmic64), Space Mission - A Mini Adventure, Spatial Billiards (Tri Micro), Spilldown, Stealth Mission, Survival Messenger, The Curse of Rabenstein, The Jet v1.00, The Jet v2.00, The Queen Footsteps, Toilet Paper Stacker, Toxic (TND 2020 Edition), Trailblazer 20, Vega (Atwoods Studios), Will Harveys Music Construction Set, Wurmspiel 20 and You had one Job.
My special thanks go at alke01 / Alex for Commando Libya, Peter Shiltons Handball Maradonna, The Vikings, Call Me Psycho and Rogue Trooper,
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