It's a long time since I read an interview to the italian programmer "Roberto Barondi", on the italian "newsagents games" site "edicolac64". Mr. Barondi says his first game was called "Slynky", and he sold it to SEI editions. A copy of the game can be found on the "Hit Parade n. 32" collection. I guess the game should be added to the database (as long as it's not a "hack" of an existing game, as the other 29 games of the collection). It wouldn't be the first time they published original games, anyway (there were some games made with the "games creator" by a guy called Leonardo Casubolo, which are not in the GameBase as well).
There are other two games I found on the edicolac64 website which I wasn't able to find on the GameBase (which are not made with "Game Creator", and that's why I'd like to know more about them): "Raid Mortale" (released by two italian publishers with two different names; the one I know is from Hit Parade n. 14 and Top Playgames n. 16) and "My Hero" (New Special Playgames n. 4 and Hit Parade n. 20): the first may be a "type in", taken from some english magazine; the second may be a public domain game, inspired by Ghosts'n Goblins and Wonderboy... If you know these games, or if you can locate them in the database, please let me know!
Best regards,
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Slynky by Roberto Barondi, and other two obscure games
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