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Can you run Mame in the GB FE? Background of newbie

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Can you run Mame in the GB FE? Background of newbie

Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:41 am

1st post... I've been visiting and researching all over in attempts to build my own Arcade Cab... Have the PC, an excellent controller(north coast customs 2pl), TV and am now... still going through roms/emulators to select the "BlutoJT Keepers" to place in the machine. Cab to be built soon. I started working/config using the FE Mamewah but hit a huge wall. After many failures... I took a break and focused on the systems and rom manulaption. Going through over 6000+ mame and 8000+ C64 roms has been a pleasure and a chore. Now I need to put it all together with a Frontend!

To that end have come across the GameBase FE... not sure it's the frontend I want to use... The way it's looking it will not run Mame...???

Can you run Mame in the Gamebase FE v1.2? In the FAQ last updated in 2003 it said no... so wondering did I miss an update? I swear I looked throughout the fourm!

How I came across Gamebase v1.2 is that is the FE on a DVD disk purchased on Ebay from Russia with 32 console/handheld emulators, the roms, screenshots all completely configured and set up. Was hoping to just add Mame and then I'd be all set.

Is there a GameBase user guide/How To set up configure Gamebase?...

I'm learning myself tons of info and in this process but am so terribly puter ignorant... trial and many errors is how I'm finding my way... Kinda fun but now getting very frustrating! At least I can play everything I want now just need to make it look pretty, organized and contained with a clean FE interface to bounce between consoles and systems.

HELP !!!!... the frustrating cry of a newbie

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Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:53 pm

Gday and welcome to GB.

This thread may help, it talks about a frontend that can run both mame and gamebase.

Over on Lemon64 this, this and this may help also.
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Joined: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:35 pm

Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:11 pm

Gday... and thank you so much for the links.

I've been messin with this for way to long by my wifes timetable... LOL!

Hopefully this points me in a good direction!


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