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GameBaseAmy (Amiga)

Discuss the Commodore Amiga database that uses the GameBase Frontend.

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GameBaseAmy (Amiga)

Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:38 am

After searching and searching for something similar to GameBase64 for the Amiga and coming up empty I've decided to start the GameBaseAmy Project.

Projects like CAPS and HOL are all well and good, but they don't make it any easier to play all those wonderful Amiga Games.

I haven't really started work yet on the project, only to see whether it is indeed feasible to do so. At this stage I believe it is and intend to get started staright away. I have just registered the domain name www.gamebaseamy.com, but have not started on the web site.

The purpose of this message is to recruit anybody who is willing to help.

There are several thngs that need to be done:

1) Setup and configure GameBase
2) Game testing to determine best available version
3) Screen capture of title and game screens
4) Source or ripping of title music
5) Setup and maintain website

Anybody willing to help with any (or all) of the above would be welcomed with open arms :) The more people who contribute, the faster this can get done.

At this stage I plan to use the files available from the TOSEC Amiga Game - ADF Database. The filenames are to be maintained. The best available version (e.g. Stable, Bug Free and Optional extras) will be used for GameBaseAmy. GameBase will then be configured to look for that and only that file.

Well enough of my prattling. Any comments, suggestions, critisisms or help would be appreciated.

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I would love to but....

Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:33 pm

I am working on the NES version.
I am sure lots of people will be willing to help, as the tosec images are SOOOOOO easy to get hold of.

I wish you every success with your work, and it *is* work, that you have ahead of you.


Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:05 pm

Hi Runey

If your serious i will give you a bit of hand to get you started in the right direction. I have a working GEMUS script that will load games into WinUAE from Gamebase, though i abandoned a Gamebase Amiga when i decided on Gamebase ST.

Let me know what you need and i will try and help you as much as possible, but please be aware my main goal at the moment is Gamebase ST.
Paul Thompson
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Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:07 pm

Why do i always forget to log-in :oops:
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Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:44 pm

A little? bit of hard work never scared me Arthur :)

Any help you can offer me Paul would be greatly appreciated. That GEMUS script would be a great start :D

I'm still at the very very early stages. Trying to make sure I've dotted all my i's before I start putting it all together.

I think I've decided on the order in which everything will be released. Because there are so many files (over 21542 disk images), releasing them alphabetically is probably not a good idea. The tosec datafiles are split into 13 sections. So I'm going to do a percentage of each datafile for each release. Probably only 1% (still over 200 files) to start with and increase if things are going well :) Anybody with other suggestions please let me know (but I will not be releasing them on a popularity scale, too hard to manage)

Fingers crossed that the website will be up and running by Monday/Tuesday. Paul I was going to copy your web site lay out at this stage if that's OK?

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Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:11 pm

Ok the web site is up :) GamebaseAMY

Not much at this stage, but it's a start.

Sun Jun 06, 2004 9:36 am

Just got a message from Eric Swartz and Amy the Squirrel is now the offical mascot of GameBaseAMY :D
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Advantages of Limiting DB Size

Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:57 am

Welcome to our band of Gamebase Brothers Runey, :D

Best of luck and patience with your GamebaseAmy project.
I have used Jaybees Amiga-in-a-Box project for Amiga emulation up to now: http://aiab.emuunlim.com/
It's nice, VERY nice 8) but I am convinced that Gamebase will be the best interface for pure Amiga gaming, what with all the background data, screenshots and all. It'll probably be less of an overhead on the CPU aswell.

That sure is a lot of disk images you have targeted to include.
I don't want to discourage you but I reckon the database will become awkward to use as a platform for launching games as you even reach the low thousands. Mame (&Mame32) is a good example.
I desperately don't want to say overkill here as the Mame project is just awsome, but if you've used it, despite an excellent game filtering system it's difficult to see the wood for the trees in the latest Mame32 releases.

Producing a complete database is very tempting, but improving your gaming experience is another. In other words, I'd say there's a limit to the number of games you can usefully include.

I decided early on to concentrate on usability and limit the number of roms included in my SNES database, so duplicates or multiple versions are rarely included without good reason. According to Paul Thompsons forum entries, he appears to have started with a similar philosophy for his ZX and ST DB's.



Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:14 am

That sure is a lot of disk images you have targeted to include.
I don't want to discourage you but I reckon the database will become awkward to use as a platform for launching games as you even reach the low thousands. Mame (&Mame32) is a good example.
I desperately don't want to say overkill here as the Mame project is just awsome, but if you've used it, despite an excellent game filtering system it's difficult to see the wood for the trees in the latest Mame32 releases.
Not sure I'm getting what you mean here. The GB64 collection is 15000+ games and GameBase doesn't seem to struggle with that many games... (I do have quite a fast machine tho) ;)
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Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:25 am

Thanks Daveee

There are about 20,000 disk images, but no where that many unique games. Many are, as you said, dubplicates. Only the best version will be included. So if the are 5 duplicates each one will be tested and only the best one (e.g. stable, bug free, extra features) will get in. This will probably drop the real amount down into the mid thousands.

I agree that with soooo many games it can be difficult to find just what you want. But at least with GameBase you can set favorites, which should make things easier.
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Advantages of limiting DB size

Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:45 pm

No disrespect to GB64 James, the GB64 teams efforts to produce a full and complete database is enviable.
...and the game filters do work a treat.
[back-pedal...back-pedal] :oops:

My real point is that a smaller database which skips alternative formats, cracks and regional releases for the same game is a more manageable proposition for individual Gamebase developers. I accept that what I am saying is controversial, but I'm not criticising the academic worth of aiming for a complete database. I'm just pointing out that the inclusion of game clones has a negligible practical effect on most peoples gameplay.

e.g. Without the additional help (which Runey has requested) a gamebase containing the full set of Amiga Tosec games would doubtless be a lifetimes work - There are no less that 21,542 entries for ADF disks alone, as much again if you include alternative formats and applications! Cutting these down to 4000 or so is still a huge task, but with help, Runey will at least have a chance of getting there.

...Glad to see you agree Runey - Phew!!!

Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:06 pm

At last a great news ok you can consider me in this great project i love Amiga i own 2 Amiga with plenty of games this is my email magroc5@hotmail.com

amy gamebase

Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:19 pm

just want to say I'm an Amiga nut and will help any way I can if you want. I have hundreds of original Amiga games(All adf'd) so if you want reviews or screenshots etc just ask.
Good luck with thew project. :D
E-Mail me at graeme@gman57.wanadoo.co.uk
Damon Hoppe

GameBase Amiga

Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:40 pm


I have noticed that there is some discussion about Disk Images and which ones to use....etc...

I am just a little confused because I thought the images were copyrighted and therefore I can only download a copy if I have the orginal disks....

If the GameBase actually included the ADF's etc (it would not only be huge) but it would be a copy right infrignemnt....Surely the proirty to to produce a comprehenisve database of the games that I can then link to my ADF files (TOSEC standard).

The most useful thing being that the entry would include a script to ensure you run it under the right Kickstart, memory settings, etc...
I think this is what the other GameBases have done.....

Dont get me wrong I mean a database which included all the game images would be fantastic I just think the prioirty is getting the database together rahter than the images....

Or am I just confused....

Damon Hoppe

AmigaSYS 1.5

Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:02 pm

Eh...Not sure if people are aware but there is a new 'AMiga in A box' type intivitive taking place on a HUngarian UAE mirror called AmigaSYS....

Its worth checking out....

If this becomes the standard for Amiga....I am not sure what the implications of this project is for GameBase as I believe the plan, for GameBase, is to run the games directly from the ADF's rather than via a particular Workbench installation.....

Its just that I though an Amiga Native mode of Gamebase might be an interesting project....I persume porting it to the Amiga, for those of us that still have one, would be a rather time consuming and unproductive affair....

Once again sorry if I am making silly comments I am just a little unclear about things....

Just a thought....

Anyway keep up the excellent work that you are doing........!

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