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The GameBase64 Collection Database Version 19.0,  3 Jul 2023
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Genre = "Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)"
Found 298 games.  Showing 31 to 45.
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31. Bigfoot 1990 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
32. Black Lamp 1988 Firebird Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
33. Blinky's Scary School 1990 Zeppelin Games Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
34. Blood Brothers 1988 Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
35. Bod Squad, The 1992 Zeppelin Games Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
36. Boing 1986 Bubble Bus Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
37. Bongo  [Italian] 1985 Linguaggio Macchina/TuttoComputer Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
38. Booty 1984 Firebird Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
39. Brave 1997 Magna Media/64'er Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
40. Brian Bloodaxe 1985 Softek International Ltd./The Edge Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
41. Buzzi  [Italian] 1992 Edizioni SocietĂ  SIPE srl./Special Program Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
42. Camelot Warriors 1987 Ariolasoft Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
43. Camelot Warriors  [Spanish] 1987 Dinamic Software Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
44. Canonrider 1988 Ariolasoft/Reaktör Software Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
45. Captured 1986 Action Software [American Action] Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)

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