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The GameBase64 Collection Database Version 19.0,  3 Jul 2023
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Genre = "Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)"
Found 298 games.  Showing 106 to 120.
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106. Fire Breath 1990 (Public Domain) Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
107. Frankenstein 1992 Zeppelin Games Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
108. Frankenstein  [Polish] 1997 (Not Published) Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
109. Frost Byte 1987 Mikro-Gen Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
110. Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal 1988 Softek International Ltd./The Edge Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
111. Gilligans Gold 1984 Ocean Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
112. Gods and Heroes 1986 Alpha Omega Software Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
113. Goldi Gold  [Spanish] 1985 Load'N'Run [Mecsa/Infopress] Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
114. Gremlins II - The New Batch 1990 Elite Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
115. Grotte Sotterranee  [Italian] 1985 Pubblirome/Game 2000 Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
116. Harald Hårdtand - Kampen om de rene Tænder  [Danish] 1992 Colgate - Palmolive Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
117. Hardhat Construction Co. 1986 Laing Marketing Ltd. Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
118. Heilige Rüstung des Antiriad, Die  [German] 1986 Palace Software Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
119. Heist, The   1984 Micro Fun Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
120. Hellraid   1989 ItalVideo SRL Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)

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