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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Based on the 50s cowboy movie of the same name, complete with a rendition of the theme tune. The animations are cute with some nice touches - particularly the undertaker. A nostalgic trip, although not the greatest game ever.

Neo-Rio says: Thrust is much like the old Atari game Gravitar, except this is way more playable and challenging. I always liked blowing the nuke reactor up before leaving the planet.

Laser Squad
Mayhem says: Brilliant strategy game for one or two people. Precursor to the X-Com series on PC. So much variety and scope, no two games are ever the same!

Neo-Rio says: Not a widely known game, but one that is loads of fun anyway. You have to blast your way around an area full of defenses and get to the exit.

Tau Ceti
J2003C says: Although not a great flight sim, it has enough unique features, like night vision, to make you keep trying to get to all the terminals and complete your mission, which I still have never been able to do without getting blown up (damn laser towers)!

Questprobe 2 - Spider-Man
Neo-Rio says: Spiderman, Spiderman, ...does whatever a spider can..... except for fighting with all the villians. Poor Mysterio, he really copped a beating from me anyway.

Island of Dr. Destructo, The
graveyardjohn says: Destroy the attacking planes before they sink the ship you're defending. Very enjoyable!

Skate or Die!
graveyardjohn says: Tony Hawks Pro Skater, but 10 years earlier! Get with 'the kids' and take on your mates (or the computer) on a variety of different activities, including half-pipe, downhill jam, and a battle in an empty swimming pool.

Donald Duck's Playground
Neo-Rio says: How do you make a game that girls will play endlessly? Put in some likeable characters, silly tasks, money, and shopping for junk you don't need. Sounds much like my own life though - minus Donald Duck.

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