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GB64 Recommended Games...

Marble Madness
graveyardjohn says: A very good conversion, but to think I bought this on cassette and put up with the atrocious multi-load! Make sure you play the disk version!

Orc Attack
Neo-Rio says: The first game I played from disk! Somebody read "Lord of the Rings" one too many times and came up with this game. It's surprisingly fun and panic inducing to hold off endless waves of orcs.

Elite 128
Michael Plate says: Improved version of the classic space trading game.

Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Neo-Rio says: Here's a graphical text adventure based of the well known Monty Python movie. Here, you'll find the three headed knight, the knights who say NIC!, and that insane french guard!

Neo-Rio says: This game is one incredibly polished side-shooter. The game is extremely playable, the title music (classical music!) is great. The loader music was probably one of Hubbard's best tracks.

Slapshot II - International Hockey
Neo-Rio says: Best played with your friends! All the thrills and spills of ice hockey, complete with penalty shootouts, and real in-game speech! What makes this game lots of fun though, is the ability to trip players and start hockey fights while the crowd goes wild! "Penalty! Tripping!"

Demon Stalkers - The Raid on Doomfane
J2003C says: If you liked Gauntlet in the arcade and were disappointed with the C64 conversion, then try this one. Everything here seems better, there are lots of extras, and it is actually possible to finish the game (at least get to the end) without cheating!

Steve says: well, this is it. How fast do you want to die? A really challenging adventure with a great parser (as usual in infocom adventures). Don't be mislead by missing grafics, this game will haunt you and won't let you get away from the game easily. f you like this one, be sure to check out the releated Wishbringer, Enchanter and Spellbreaker adventure games!

Cyberdyne Warrior
Neo-Rio says: This is a colorful platformer which is really quite playable. The flick screen system will frustrate you initially, but half the fun is learning how to complete the level, and powering up your gun.

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