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GB64 Recommended Games...

Galactic Games
Neo-Rio says: A very weird multi-eventer. Psychic Hockey and the Marathon would have to be my favourite events. The marathon in particular is a very original and playable challenge.

Sentinel, The
Neo-Rio says: What do you get when you cross 10,000 levels of 3D graphics, a real time virtual reality strategy game, and ONLY 64K of memory? You get this programming masterpiece of a game! It was mindblowing in it's time and is still as playable today!

Special Delivery - Santa's Christmas Chaos
graveyardjohn says: Help Father Christmas collect presents, before dropping them in chimneys or leaving them in houses without the children seeing him. More fun than it looks, especially when played on Christmas Eve!

Hocus Focus
Neo-Rio says: A punk haired reporter has to sneak into the mad professor's lair and take photos of bits his latest invention - just mind the weird ghosts, and don't forget the keys to the fans. Enjoy Whittaker's "Lazy Jones"-esque music too.

Deathwish III
Neo-Rio says: In this dull yet violent game, you get to blast people into carnage with a rocket launcher! There was a furore over it at the time, although long outclassed by more modern and graphically realistic violent games which nobody bats an eyelid at today.

Street Sports Baseball
graveyardjohn says: "Yer Out!", rang the smug cry when it was time to swap players on this one. Take ages to decide which kids to have on your team, then argue about the amount of wide balls which are thrown! Aaahh...the game to bring back memories of that childish bickering...

Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom
Steve says: True RPGs are nowadays seldomly seen. Sad. But why don't you launch your C=64 or emulator and give this one a try. As all of the wizardry RPGs, this one is a great classic game with a strong plot and a very challenging engine. Enter the kingdom of Llylgamyn! To bad part VI (Bane of the cosmic forge) has never been released on the C=64

Jimbo says: A really great game, surprisingly from Ocean! :) I remember playing the tunnel system level for hours on end... and the John Dunn soundtrack rocks!

Neo-Rio says: Another brilliantly conceived shooter by Rainbow Arts. More power-ups to load your ship with than any other game I've played!

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