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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: An immensely beautiful platform game, with some great music and playability. A bit frustrating at times, but not enough to keep you coming back.

Ace of Aces
Neo-Rio says: Set yourself some enemy targets to wipe out and try to complete your mission in one piece! More arcade than flight simulation, but you have lots of controls in your cockpit to play with. Just don't turn off your engines!

Neo-Rio says: A classic on the NES, this conversion of the arcade game to the Commodore 64 only disappoints a little because of some missing levels and no two player option. Other than that, it's just as fun.

Arcade Classics
graveyardjohn says: An excellent Firebird £1.99 game, with four classic arcade games - Spacewar, Snakes, Space Invaders and Asteroids, and a top Hubbard heavy-rock soundtrack.

Matt Larsen says: This is one of the games I actually BOUGHT that wasn't pirated. Hours upon hours of gameplay and I could never get past the end stage! The different themes and music make this game quite an experience.

Super Skramble!
Neo-Rio says: It's a nostalgia trip every time I play this game. Naff music. Naff graphics. However it's still a fun game any way you look at it.

graveyardjohn says: OK, its an 'IK+' rip-off, but it plays quite well. The between-round game where you throw knives in 3D at oncoming ninjas is very addictive, and keeps you coming back for more.

Neo-Rio says: Although largely a disappointment on the C64 (thanks to the Spectrum look and feel), the game is still somewhat fun. It's like Gauntlet in 3D, and once you get used to the controls - you may have a blast.

Rags to Riches
Neo-Rio says: Here's an original game. Escape from poverty and starvation. Get an education, get part time jobs, get an apartment. Make all the right moves and you'll be earning millions! Just watch out for theives and the IRS! (same thing really!)

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