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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: A first person non-shooting game. This early game's tense horror atmosphere works because you are UNABLE to fight back! You have some weird puzzles to solve if the spiders don't scare you to death. Spare underwear not included.

C'est la Vie
Neo-Rio says: Pacman crossed with a mini stock simulation, taxation, lending, and mortgages. It's actually quite fun. The aim is to finish up with a high score, but you'll probably have fun trying to pick up all the money.

Michael Plate says: One of the best shoot'em ups ever. Don't miss playing it in the two-player mode.

Neo-Rio says: Another brilliantly conceived shooter by Rainbow Arts. More power-ups to load your ship with than any other game I've played!

Air Support
J2003C says: I used to like to play in strategy mode, allowing more time to plot each move of my army. Action mode can be fun too, but the computer has the advantage. Just watch those robot soldiers convulse as they go into battle! Takes time to learn the controls.

Jimbo says: A really great game, surprisingly from Ocean! :) I remember playing the tunnel system level for hours on end... and the John Dunn soundtrack rocks!

Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Neo-Rio says: Here's a graphical text adventure based of the well known Monty Python movie. Here, you'll find the three headed knight, the knights who say NIC!, and that insane french guard!

Enforcer - Fullmetal Megablaster
Neo-Rio says: Next to Armalyte, this has got to be one of the best blasters on the 64. Made by the people who did Turrican, no less.

Neo-Rio says: Crappy commando rip-off that somehow seemed better when I was younger, but looks dreadful now.

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