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GB64 Recommended Games...

Benji - Space Rescue
J2003C says: This is supposed to be a kids game, but it really is for all ages. Pretty fun and not as easy as you might think.

Leather Goddesses of Phobos
Steve says: Naughty but nice would be the category for this game. Mindbogglingly crazy story, true classic interactive fiction by infocom and a game with 3 modes as far as I remember. One mode only can be played if you're 21 and over :-)

Neo-Rio says: This game was a great little shooter/platformer than once graced the font cover-tape of the legendary Zzap! magazine

Neo-Rio says: Another brilliantly conceived shooter by Rainbow Arts. More power-ups to load your ship with than any other game I've played!

Lode Runner
Neo-Rio says: A classic platform game in every respect. If you haven't played it, you've been living under a rock. There's a level editor in there too, so you won't get bored easily when there's all those levels of treasure to collect.

Deathwish III
Neo-Rio says: In this dull yet violent game, you get to blast people into carnage with a rocket launcher! There was a furore over it at the time, although long outclassed by more modern and graphically realistic violent games which nobody bats an eyelid at today.

4x4 Off-Road Racing
J2003C says: This is a very good racing game. It takes racing skills and some strategy and planning with the supplies to be able to finish in first place.

Motor Mania
Neo-Rio says: This game resembled the pitfalls and boredom of a long country drive more than action packed racing. I wonder if there is was ending to this game? Probably not!

Neo-Rio says: For those people who figured that Marble Madness just wasn't enough.... Hailed as a classic game, you'd better have cyborg reflexes and the patience of a saint to win this incredible game.

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