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GB64 Recommended Games...

Matt Larsen says: Electronic Arts put out some of the best titles for the C64. Is it any wonder they are still in business 20 years later? This was my favorite simulation game as a kid.

Hero Quest
Neo-Rio says: Not a bad conversion of the Milton Bradley board game. With a series of quests it becomes more like a simplified RPG - which means it's very easy to get into.

Neo-Rio says: This game is trippy... you are this transforming creature which has to complete a test. Great gameplay, weird creatures, strange 3D, and bizarre SFX make a unique experience.

Frank Bruno's Boxing
Neo-Rio says: Nintendo's old "Punch Out" game gets the Commdore 64 clone treatment. The result is actually quite impressive (and includes the obligatory Rocky tune), although some of the boxers get nigh impossible later on.

Neo-Rio says: They don't make games with plots like this anymore. You have to stop worms doodling over your precious piece of paper, and eating it into pieces!

Young Ones, The
Neo-Rio says: Anyone old enough to remember the TV series will laugh some more with this game. The aim is to play as one of the young ones and move out of the house with all your stuff... that's if the others don't screw things up for you first!

Radar Rat Race
Neo-Rio says: Rally-X never got a C64 conversion, but Radar Rat race is a decent clone. Instead of cars and flags... we have mice and cheese! I fondly remember playing this game to death!

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Air Rescue I
J2003C says: This game is simple looking, but demands some skill. Similar to Fort Apocalypse in feel, but unique enough to make it stand on it's own as a solid shoot'em up.

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