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GB64 Recommended Games...

Defender of the Crown
J2003C says: Classic war game! Master the catapult and jousts or you'll never win. Fantastic graphics and good music. Emulator speedup make this even better due to long load times.

Neo-Rio says: The Quest for Ultimate Dexerty had you, the player, try and push a ball to the exit. However, this game is no marble madness. It has puzzle and action elements, and you will be sorely tested.

Bop'n Rumble
Neo-Rio says: Comic book violence! Beat up old men, old ladies who throw handbags, the odd banana throwing gorilla, basketball players, fat men etc. Your impressive line up of ridiculous fighting moves will give you a good laugh.

Neo-Rio says: Gyroscope is a blatant Marble Madness rip-off, but it's still pretty playable. The music was also pretty decent too.

Fernandez Must Die
Neo-Rio says: In case Ikari Warriors wasn't enough for you, we have more of the same here!

Benji - Space Rescue
J2003C says: This is supposed to be a kids game, but it really is for all ages. Pretty fun and not as easy as you might think.

Neo-Rio says: This is a good puzzle game which is easy to play, but difficult to master. Definitely fun nevertheless.

HERO - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation
Jimbo says: A really great original game concept. It's smooth, fun and addictive! The only thing I don't like about this game are the moving lava walls (starting at level 14 I think)!

Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress
Neo-Rio says: Get your butt onto the throne in the fortress! The game is different every time you play, and you'll have lots of fun shooting at guards chasing you. Make sure you have the right weapon for the right monster! Watch out for the genies!

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