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GB64 Recommended Games...

Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior
Neo-Rio says: Inspired by those "Conan the Barbarian" movies, Barbarian is a fighter for 2 players. The dubious "head lopping" feature is what we all remember well about this game!

Spy Hunter
Neo-Rio says: The C64 version of the classic arcade game was incredibly playable. The only downside: you needed a second joystick in port 1 to appreciate the smoke and oil slicks.

Pugsy says: One of the first great games on the C64, and one of the few home computer games to get converted to the arcade.

Turbo Charge
Neo-Rio says: Play as secret agents on the trail of gunrunners. This driving game has some REAL speed, and your firebutton finger will get a workout, as you can go blasting away at everything on the road.

Neo-Rio says: The Quest for Ultimate Dexerty had you, the player, try and push a ball to the exit. However, this game is no marble madness. It has puzzle and action elements, and you will be sorely tested.

Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Neo-Rio says: This game is based of an 80s band! As a result it's weird and spun out, but incredibly absorbing. "BANG! Frankie say...... no more."

Neo-Rio says: The Commodore 64 version of the legendary arcade classic is a wonderful conversion. A classic platformer if you haven't played it somewhere else already.

Forbidden Forest
graveyardjohn says: Resident Evil? Pah! Here's where it started...

Orc Attack
Neo-Rio says: The first game I played from disk! Somebody read "Lord of the Rings" one too many times and came up with this game. It's surprisingly fun and panic inducing to hold off endless waves of orcs.

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