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GB64 Recommended Games...

Gordian Tomb
Neo-Rio says: With a little persistance, this game is not *too* hard to finish, but it is still a lot of fun. Most breathtaking though, is the 32-minute soundtrack!

Rolling Ronny
Neo-Rio says: A polished platform game that came into existance towards the end of the C64's shelf life. It's a beautifully detailed and colorful game if you're into this sort of thing.

4th & Inches
Matt Larsen says: This is one of the best American Football games for the C64, in my opinion. My friends and I used to play this for hours. If you learn how to do a screen properly you can be almost unbeatable!

Tau Ceti
J2003C says: Although not a great flight sim, it has enough unique features, like night vision, to make you keep trying to get to all the terminals and complete your mission, which I still have never been able to do without getting blown up (damn laser towers)!

Neo-Rio says: An official version of the arcade classic "Galaga" never made it to the Commodore 64, but this knock-off is a very good one which has all the excellent features of the original.

Rick Dangerous
Neo-Rio says: Before they went on and did Tomb Raider, CORE designs came out with this platformer. A real playable platforming gem, complete with Tomb Raider style booby-traps!

West Bank
Neo-Rio says: A clone of the arcade game "Bank Panic". This game is almost identical in playability to the original arcade game. Good news is, it's just as fun.

Go-Kart Simulator
Neo-Rio says: A game that owes a lot of its gameplay to the arcade "Rally X", this souped up version is surprisingly playable. It has its flaws, but it's still a fun game - and that's what matters.

Knight Games
Neo-Rio says: Not as good as IK, but still a really fun game when you're playing someone else. There are six fighting events, so there's variety - and two shooting galleries for good measure.

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