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GB64 Recommended Games...

Steve says: Those were the times when games with a unique idea and amazing addiction were published. I guess most people ever having owned a commodore 64 rate this game very high and most probable rank it in their personal all-time-favorite-list.

Chopper Hunt
Neo-Rio says: Fun little game where you must plunder natural resources in a helicopter by bombing the soil out. Seems like a fairly inefficient way to get oil if you ask me.

Neo-Rio says: Telengard is just one of the early classic RPGs that you can keep playing almost to infinity (and nearly had me doing). Watch those wraiths and specters, they'll nick your exeprience levels!

Wonderboy in Monsterland
Neo-Rio says: This conversion maintains everything that made the original arcade game fun. It's a platform roleplaying game of the highest order. Lots of varied enemies to fight, and lots of gold and goodies to get!

Neo-Rio says: This brilliant little game came on a Zzap64 covermounted cassette. The game is pretty and fairly playable, but most amazing is the mind blowing music score.

Steve says: Heli Rescue game, one of the first games i played over a quite long time.

Neo-Rio says: Who can forget this legendary C64 maze game!? You get to be the bad guy! Pinch some diamonds, shoot at the cops, rescue your captured men from prison, and blow up a huge ghost with TNT!

Crystal Fever
Neo-Rio says: A very impressive and polished "BoulderDash" clone which includes more features than the original. Also includes a two player simultaneous mode. With a built in construction kit, you really won't be able to drop the joystick.

Hagar the Horrible
Neo-Rio says: This console-esque platformer came along late in the C64's life, but it was really a great game to play, with cameo appearances from other Hagar characters. Collect as much treasure for Helga as you can!

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