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GB64 Recommended Games...

Chip's Challenge
Steve says: Classic puzzling game adapted to other platforms as well. Great fun!

Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress
Neo-Rio says: Get your butt onto the throne in the fortress! The game is different every time you play, and you'll have lots of fun shooting at guards chasing you. Make sure you have the right weapon for the right monster! Watch out for the genies!

Terra Cresta
Neo-Rio says: One of the better upwards scrolling shootemups on the C64. It was a joy to load from tape too... it had that wonderful Ocean Loader music.

Frank Bruno's Boxing
Neo-Rio says: Nintendo's old "Punch Out" game gets the Commdore 64 clone treatment. The result is actually quite impressive (and includes the obligatory Rocky tune), although some of the boxers get nigh impossible later on.

Microprose Soccer
Neo-Rio says: I'm not a soccer fan myself, but when I got started playing this arcade soccer game I got totally hooked and couldn't drop the joystick. Imagine what this game does to real soccer fans! Warning: Addictive!

Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom
Steve says: True RPGs are nowadays seldomly seen. Sad. But why don't you launch your C=64 or emulator and give this one a try. As all of the wizardry RPGs, this one is a great classic game with a strong plot and a very challenging engine. Enter the kingdom of Llylgamyn! To bad part VI (Bane of the cosmic forge) has never been released on the C=64

Fame Quest
Neo-Rio says: A mini RPG-like game which will keep you entertained for a while as you try to complete it.

Neo-Rio says: A first person non-shooting game. This early game's tense horror atmosphere works because you are UNABLE to fight back! You have some weird puzzles to solve if the spiders don't scare you to death. Spare underwear not included.

Caverns of Eriban, The
AleTsg says: Simple but cool game, hard to finish, with a great Music !

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