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GB64 Recommended Games...

Head over Heels
Pugsy says: This game is graphically almost identical to the speccy version. But don't hold that against's still a great game if you've got the patience to complete it.

Neo-Rio says: Codemasters released many of these overhead racing games, but this is surely one of the best. This one screams at you to play it over and over.

Pole Position
Neo-Rio says: I liked Pole Position when I was younger. It was a fun racing game I played for hours on end. Look how bad it's dated!

Ace of Aces
Neo-Rio says: Set yourself some enemy targets to wipe out and try to complete your mission in one piece! More arcade than flight simulation, but you have lots of controls in your cockpit to play with. Just don't turn off your engines!

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
Neo-Rio says: This game came long after Pitstop II, but this game improves on the split player action.

Cyberdyne Warrior
Neo-Rio says: This is a colorful platformer which is really quite playable. The flick screen system will frustrate you initially, but half the fun is learning how to complete the level, and powering up your gun.

graveyardjohn says: Responsive controls, a lush, detailed backdrop, an addictive mini-game involving lots of balls, and a great two/three player game to top it all.

Neo-Rio says: I love blasters. SWIV is the sequel to "Silkworm". Yet another shooter which is very well done and playable. Somebody has to play as the jeep though...

Pit-Fighter - The Ultimate Competition
Neo-Rio says: This is my other favourite fighter on the C64. Gameplay is good enough plus you can have 2 players. I remember making a hack of this game to play as the enemy characters many years ago.

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