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GB64 Recommended Games...

Young Ones, The
Neo-Rio says: Anyone old enough to remember the TV series will laugh some more with this game. The aim is to play as one of the young ones and move out of the house with all your stuff... that's if the others don't screw things up for you first!

Neo-Rio says: A nice but tricky puzzle game. Create loops with the pieces you are given. Bigger loops mean bigger points, but don't get carried away. The play area is very small! The Dave Whittaker soundtrack is great.

Sentinel, The
Mayhem says: Totally original, totally compulsive, totally mindbending. A lot of people didn't get it at the time... pity. Truly a classic game.

Neo-Rio says: Telengard is just one of the early classic RPGs that you can keep playing almost to infinity (and nearly had me doing). Watch those wraiths and specters, they'll nick your exeprience levels!

4th & Inches
Matt Larsen says: This is one of the best American Football games for the C64, in my opinion. My friends and I used to play this for hours. If you learn how to do a screen properly you can be almost unbeatable!

Motor Mania
Steve says: First racing game I played on the C64, great fun. This is the one where you could run over pedestrians, correct? ;-)

Granny's Garden
Neo-Rio says: If you're old enough to remember playing this game on a Commodore 64 at your primary school, then you will have fond memories of this game like I do.

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Hero Quest
Neo-Rio says: Not a bad conversion of the Milton Bradley board game. With a series of quests it becomes more like a simplified RPG - which means it's very easy to get into.

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