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GB64 Recommended Games...

Poster Paster
graveyardjohn says: Tricky to start to play, great once you get the hang of it. Stick your posters across town, keeping your paste smooth, not lumpy or watery, and avoid the baddies!

Chopper Hunt
Neo-Rio says: Fun little game where you must plunder natural resources in a helicopter by bombing the soil out. Seems like a fairly inefficient way to get oil if you ask me.

Strike Force Cobra
Neo-Rio says: Four elite soldiers must stop the detonation of a bomb. Not a military sim, and not a shoot'em up, the game is more of a platformer with strategic elements. You'll need skill and planning to beat this game.

APB - All Points Bulletin
graveyardjohn says: Become Officer Bob for a shift on a US Police force in this vertically scrolling, "siren-em-up" , getting bonuses for picking up doughnuts, helping broken down motorists, and arresting your quota of law-breakers. Not a bad conversion!

C'est la Vie
Neo-Rio says: Pacman crossed with a mini stock simulation, taxation, lending, and mortgages. It's actually quite fun. The aim is to finish up with a high score, but you'll probably have fun trying to pick up all the money.

Neo-Rio says: The Quest for Ultimate Dexerty had you, the player, try and push a ball to the exit. However, this game is no marble madness. It has puzzle and action elements, and you will be sorely tested.

Neo-Rio says: A rather simple vertically scrolling shooter - blessed by a particularly excellent Rob Hubbard track however.

Skate or Die!
Matt Larsen says: Skateboarding was the IN thing in our neighborhood. We spent as much time playing this as we did the real thing!

Neo-Rio says: This is a film-license adaption, and a really spiffy one it is too. Very console-esque and playable, especially for younger players.

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