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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Although largely a disappointment on the C64 (thanks to the Spectrum look and feel), the game is still somewhat fun. It's like Gauntlet in 3D, and once you get used to the controls - you may have a blast.

Matt Larsen says: Electronic Arts put out some of the best titles for the C64. Is it any wonder they are still in business 20 years later? This was my favorite simulation game as a kid.

Neo-Rio says: The original Speedball was a really great 2 player game, with fast action and the ability to slam your opponents down. As far as 2 player sports games go, it's top-notch. Only thing better than this is the sequel!

Neo-Rio says: If you liked the arcade game Joust, here's more of the same but with a bit of a twist!

Deathwish III
Neo-Rio says: In this dull yet violent game, you get to blast people into carnage with a rocket launcher! There was a furore over it at the time, although long outclassed by more modern and graphically realistic violent games which nobody bats an eyelid at today.

Mighty Bombjack
Neo-Rio says: A large playable platform arcade game, with many levels and secret rooms. If you liked the original "Bomb Jack" you'll like this game as well.

Neo-Rio says: Waah... "Wizard of Wor" gone insane is the only way to describe this game. It's loads of fun just to run around blasting things.

Neo-Rio says: I never liked Rampage too much because it was just about impossible. Ramparts has the difficulty set just right and is a much more elegant game!

Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Neo-Rio says: Here's a graphical text adventure based of the well known Monty Python movie. Here, you'll find the three headed knight, the knights who say NIC!, and that insane french guard!

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