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GB64 Recommended Games...

Deathwish III
Neo-Rio says: In this dull yet violent game, you get to blast people into carnage with a rocket launcher! There was a furore over it at the time, although long outclassed by more modern and graphically realistic violent games which nobody bats an eyelid at today.

Neo-Rio says: Superhero is a 3D isometric platform game in the mould of Head over Heels, and "Batman" on the Amstrad and Spectrum. So if you liked those games... you'll like this one as well.

Train, The - Escape to Normandy
Matt Larsen says: Accolade really knew how to combine action and adventure. Not only do you get to drive a train, but there is enough action and scene changes to keep you coming back even 20 years later!

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Chip's Challenge
Steve says: Classic puzzling game adapted to other platforms as well. Great fun!

Castle Master
Neo-Rio says: Yep, it's polygon 3D time again. This time you're going to have to explore every nook and cranny (and crook and nanny) to find all the keys. Only then can you rescue your partner from the dragon.

Jimbo says: The 1st thing that hits you in this game is the thumping Dave Whittaker soundtrack. The 2nd thing that hits you is the urge to play it over and over again!

Neo-Rio says: Who can forget this legendary C64 maze game!? You get to be the bad guy! Pinch some diamonds, shoot at the cops, rescue your captured men from prison, and blow up a huge ghost with TNT!

Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
Matt Larsen says: Another game I downloaded from a 1200 baud modem back in the 80's. I was so hooked on this game that when I downloaded it I stayed up ALL NIGHT in order to beat it (and this was a trained version I was playing!)

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