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The GameBase64 Collection Database Version 19.0,  3 Jul 2023
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Publisher = "Codemasters"
Found 99 games.  Showing 1 to 39.
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1. 1st Division Manager 1993 Codemasters Sports - Football/Soccer (Manager)
2. 4 Soccer Simulators 1989 Codemasters Sports - Football/Soccer (Arcade)
3. Advanced Pinball Simulator 1989 Codemasters Arcade - Pinball
4. Arcade Flight Simulator 1989 Codemasters Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
5. Armourdillo 1987 Codemasters Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
6. ATV - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator 1987 Codemasters Racing - Miscellaneous
7. Bigfoot 1990 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
8. Bignoses USA Adventure 1992 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
9. BMX Freestyle Simulator   1989 Codemasters Sports - Cycling
10. BMX Simulator 1986 Codemasters Sports - Cycling
11. BMX Simulator II 1989 Codemasters Sports - Cycling
12. Bubble Dizzy 1992 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
13. Captain Dynamo 1992 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Single Screen)
14. Championship Jet Ski Simulator 1989 Codemasters Sports - Watersports
15. CJ in the USA 1991 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
16. CJ's Elephant Antics 1991 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
17. Cosmonut 1987 Codemasters Shoot'em Up - Miscellaneous
18. Creations 1987 Codemasters Arcade - Construction Kit
19. Crystal Kingdom Dizzy 1992 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
20. Cue Boy 1993 Codemasters Sports - Snooker/Pool
21. Dizzy - Down the Rapids 1992 Codemasters Arcade - Miscellaneous
22. Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk! 1991 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
23. Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure 1988 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
24. DJ Puff's Volcantic Capers 1992 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
25. Fantasy World Dizzy 1990 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
26. Fast Food! 1990 Codemasters Arcade - Miscellaneous
27. Frankenstein Jnr.   1987 Codemasters Adventure - Miscellaneous
28. Fruit Machine Simulator 1987 Codemasters Gambling - Slot Machine
29. Fruit Machine Simulator II 1989 Codemasters Gambling - Slot Machine
30. Ghost Hunters 1988 Codemasters Arcade - Platformer (Single Screen)
31. Grand Prix Simulator 1987 Codemasters Racing - Formula One
32. Grand Prix Simulator II 1989 Codemasters Racing - Formula One
33. Guardian Angel, The   1990 Codemasters Arcade - Beat'em Up
34. International Rugby Simulator 1988 Codemasters Sports - Rugby
35. Jet Bike Simulator 1988 Codemasters Sports - Watersports
36. Kamikaze 1990 Codemasters Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
37. KGB Superspy 1989 Codemasters Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
38. Kwik Snax 1990 Codemasters Arcade - Miscellaneous
39. Lazer-Force 1987 Codemasters Shoot'em Up - V-Scrolling

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