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The GameBase64 Collection Database Version 19.0,  3 Jul 2023
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Musician = "Antony Crowther"
Found 26 games.  Showing 1 to 26.
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1. Blagger Goes to Hollywood 1985 Alligata Software Shoot'em Up - Miscellaneous
2. Bomb Uzal 1988 ImageWorks [Mirrorsoft] Arcade - Logical Game
3. Bombarolo  [Italian] 1988 Edigamma S.r.l./Super Game 2000 Nuova Serie Arcade - Logical Game
4. Bug Blaster   1983 Alligata Software Shoot'em Up - Centipede
5. Buscador, El  [Spanish] 1986 Load'N'Run [Mecsa/Infopress] Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
6. Casa dei Mostri, La  [Italian] 1985 Linguaggio Macchina/TuttoComputer Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
7. Centurions Power X Treme 1987 Ariolasoft/Reaktör Software Shoot'em Up - Multi-Scrolling
8. Cruel World  [Italian] 1985 Linguaggio Macchina/TuttoComputer Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
9. Deadringer 1988 Ariolasoft/Reaktör Software Shoot'em Up - Miscellaneous
10. Fernandez Must Die 1988 ImageWorks [Mirrorsoft] Shoot'em Up - V-Scrolling
11. Frog 64 1983 Alligata Software Arcade - Frogger
12. Gryphon 1984 Argus Press Software (APS)/Quicksilva Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
13. Killer Watt 1983 Alligata Software Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
14. Livio Buffo  [Italian] 1986 Pubblirome/Game 2000 Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
15. Monorotaia  [Italian] 1985 Pubblirome/Game 2000 Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
16. Monty Mole 1984 Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
17. R1-D1 1986 Argus Specialist Publications Ltd./Your Commodore Arcade - Platformer (Multi Screen)
18. Son of Blagger 1984 Alligata Software Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
19. Suicide Express 1984 Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling
20. Talpa, La  [Italian] 1985 Linguaggio Macchina/TuttoComputer Arcade - Platformer (Scrolling Screen)
21. Treasure-Hunt 1987 Tronic Verlag GmbH/Computronic Arcade - Labyrinth/Maze
22. Triaxos 1987 Ariolasoft/Tigress Marketing Ltd. Adventure - [uncategorized]
23. Uccidi le Dodici Superstar di Hollywood  [Italian] 19?? (Unknown) Shoot'em Up - Miscellaneous
24. View to a Kill, A 1985 Domark Arcade - Multi-Genre
25. Zig Zag 1987 Mirrorsoft Ltd. Shoot'em Up - D-Scrolling
26. Zig Zag - The Remix 1989 Zzap! 64 Shoot'em Up - D-Scrolling

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