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GB64 Recommended Games...

Rock Star Ate my Hamster, A
Neo-Rio says: Make your own run-off-the-mill artificial pop band with a bunch of rockers, spoofed from the 80s. Get your group popular enough and they might just land a #1 single! ....... maybe......

Master of Magic, The
Neo-Rio says: A simple RPG game, which slowly becomes an addiction as you try to get the amulet to return to your own world. Complete with a Rob Hubbard soundtrack.

Orc Attack
Neo-Rio says: The first game I played from disk! Somebody read "Lord of the Rings" one too many times and came up with this game. It's surprisingly fun and panic inducing to hold off endless waves of orcs.

Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo
Jimbo says: Fight all the baddies, build up your karma, and rescue the girl. Lookout for ninjas dressed as peasants, and may Buddha help you if you pick a fight with 3 monks at once! Are you the hardest Ninja Rabbit around?

Neo-Rio says: The Commodore 64 version of the legendary arcade classic is a wonderful conversion. A classic platformer if you haven't played it somewhere else already.

Mayhem says: Utterly superb shooter based on Stargate by Archer Maclean. If you can't beat it, copy it!

Sword of Kadash
Neo-Rio says: This overhead action roleplaying game will keep you busy for a long time. Classic addictive Role Playing with action and exploration. Great stuff.

Lords of Conquest
J2003C says: This is an obscure game that should have been famous. Based on the board game Borderlands, it is only when played with 3-4P without randomness that it becomes an addictive, fantastic strategy game. It only takes about 1 hour to play a game, but you will be talking about it for days afterwards!

Neo-Rio says: An obscure shoot'em up, boasting a lot of ship addons and fun gameplay.

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