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GB64 Recommended Games...

Fantasy World Dizzy
Neo-Rio says: In the words of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw - this is the best game ever made. Considering he reviews games by ripping them to pieces, you'll know that this game is something special.

AleTsg says: A simple but great game, I have spent a lot of time on it. Not so easy to finish.

graveyardjohn says: One of the first batch of Tetris releases to the world, the C64 version is not so much a game, its more of a diversion while you enjoy the 20-odd minute soundtrack.

Highway Encounter
Neo-Rio says: A bunch of robots have to push a rather special bomb to the end of the highway - but unless you clear a path for them, they'll get zapped before they finish their job. Quite a challenge.

War of the Lance
Neo-Rio says: I don't play fantasy war games much, but this one got me hooked for a week or so as I plotted strategy against the computer.

Skool Daze
Neo-Rio says: I had more fun getting told off, amassing tons of lines, and shooting the other kids with the peashooter to actually bother to play this game properly.

Legend of Sinbad, The
Neo-Rio says: A fun and frustrating multipart game. The first level rips off the old arcade game "Tutankham", but it becomes more original later on.

Blue Max
Matt Larsen says: I just loved this game, full of action. Just don't bomb your own airport!

Neo-Rio says: A classic. This clone of Qix is great, and if you haven't played it, you owe it to yourself to do so.

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