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GB64 Recommended Games...

Mayhem says: Once you get over the initial control foibles (which sadly put quite a few people off), there's a whole new world out there just waiting to be coloured up. Cunning, ruthless and fun, if a bit easy. Gameplay ideas were second to none however.

Crime and Punishment
Neo-Rio says: Here, you are a very angry (and very green) judge who must decide on appropriate punishments for virtual criminals. Here's your chance to give the death penalty to jaywalkers.

Summer Games II
Jimbo says: Still beats most of the sports sims available nowadays... and no joystick waggling!

Speed King
Neo-Rio says: Classic rear-view cycling game. Going too fast and smashing the bike looked really funny from memory. Getting to the head of the pack of racers takes a lot of skill.

Mayhem says: An arcade game that plays strategically? Andy Braybrook knew what he was doing. The excellent line-of-sight rules make this quite the game of cat and mouse at times.

Train, The - Escape to Normandy
Matt Larsen says: Accolade really knew how to combine action and adventure. Not only do you get to drive a train, but there is enough action and scene changes to keep you coming back even 20 years later!

Harvey Headbanger
graveyardjohn says: To win this game, you need to run rings around your opponent, quite literally! Enclose a group of blocks of your opponents colour within your own by swinging around them, and they turn into cocktails. The more you get, the higher your energy. Of course, your opponent is trying to do the same thing. Quick thinking is required here!

Le Mans
Neo-Rio says: This was the first game I had for my C64. I always loved the original Sega Monaco GP, and this game is a blatant rip-off!

Neo-Rio says: Nice little puzzle game where you have to get to the exit, dropping tiles on the way. Don't get yourself cornered.

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