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GB64 Recommended Games...

Head the Ball
Neo-Rio says: Green head had his girlfriend pinched out right in front of his face! So now he has to go collecting diamonds? erm.... whatever! This game is fun!

Fantasy World Dizzy
Neo-Rio says: In the words of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw - this is the best game ever made. Considering he reviews games by ripping them to pieces, you'll know that this game is something special.

Demon Stalkers - The Raid on Doomfane
J2003C says: If you liked Gauntlet in the arcade and were disappointed with the C64 conversion, then try this one. Everything here seems better, there are lots of extras, and it is actually possible to finish the game (at least get to the end) without cheating!

Neo-Rio says: This has to be my favourite "worm" game. Fond memories of playing it in my youth....

Neo-Rio says: Gauntlet was actually a rip-off of this game, not the other way around. Dandy is, however, not all that dandy (pun intended). It's playable but bugged, thanks to the 11th hour software salvage...

Arnie Armchair's Howzat Cricket Game
Neo-Rio says: One of the first games I played on the C64 as it came in the box. Fondly remembered for it's annoying title tune ditty, and the thrashings my family members took at it.

Trolls and Tribulations
Matt Larsen says: Not many people ever talk about this gem. Fantastic music ballads. It had me hooked as a kid. To this day I don't think I have ever found a trained version.

Fernandez Must Die
Neo-Rio says: In case Ikari Warriors wasn't enough for you, we have more of the same here!

Steve says: Well, this is real fun. Simple idea, but it ain't easy to stop once you've started, even more when battling against a real person.

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