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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Based on the 50s cowboy movie of the same name, complete with a rendition of the theme tune. The animations are cute with some nice touches - particularly the undertaker. A nostalgic trip, although not the greatest game ever.

Into the Eagle's Nest
Neo-Rio says: Another great Gauntlet clone, but here you can run out of ammo and that has consequences. You also get to resuce prisoners but you'll need to learn where those lift-passes are....

J2003C says: This game CAN be played 2P with the 2nd player as the turrent controller on keyboard. Either way, the variety of weapons and enemies make this a very enjoyable shooter!

Neo-Rio says: Although largely a disappointment on the C64 (thanks to the Spectrum look and feel), the game is still somewhat fun. It's like Gauntlet in 3D, and once you get used to the controls - you may have a blast.

Master of Magic, The
Neo-Rio says: A simple RPG game, which slowly becomes an addiction as you try to get the amulet to return to your own world. Complete with a Rob Hubbard soundtrack.

Wheel of Fortune
Neo-Rio says: I think everyone has had fantasies about playing this game on TV. And unlike console versions of this game, the C64 lets you save your winnings on the Champions list so you can come back to play on the show!

ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter
Neo-Rio says: An arcade styled tactical fighter jet game. While it's fun to find and lock on to targets and blast them, you have to remember you're fighting a war, and to pick places strategic to win.

Hover Bovver
Michael Plate says: I hate mowing but not this small nice game by Jeff Minter. Try to finish your job without getting caught by your neighboor or his dog.

Aztec Challenge
Neo-Rio says: A classic game, probably remembered more for the music than the game itself. It's an incan multi-event game, complete with death traps.

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