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GB64 Recommended Games...

Mayhem in Monsterland
Mayhem says: Flashy, fast, slick... and highly playable. The pinnacle of console-like gaming on the C64.

Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
Matt Larsen says: Another game I downloaded from a 1200 baud modem back in the 80's. I was so hooked on this game that when I downloaded it I stayed up ALL NIGHT in order to beat it (and this was a trained version I was playing!)

Steve says: The mother of all space trading games. Great game, you begin to live in the large universe of this game as soon as you begin playing. Still remember how i earned enough money to get my docking computer, manual docking into a space station was bloody frustrating ;-)

Mayhem says: The best fighting game on the C64, and one of the best ever. Three fighters ups the ante and the bonus game is cunning enough to reward those skillful to defeat it. Even better than classic now you can have 3 humans in the action with the hack that is available.

Neo-Rio says: "Hi Barbie! It's Ken! Would you like to play a crap game?" "Sounds like fun!" "Great! See you in an hour....... maybe"

Bop'n Rumble
Neo-Rio says: Comic book violence! Beat up old men, old ladies who throw handbags, the odd banana throwing gorilla, basketball players, fat men etc. Your impressive line up of ridiculous fighting moves will give you a good laugh.

F-15 Strike Eagle
Neo-Rio says: Before games genius Sid Meier made "Civilisation", he made this game. It's an arcade style fighter jet simulation, which is lots and lots of fun.

Elite 128
Michael Plate says: Improved version of the classic space trading game.

Bruce Lee
Pugsy says: Simply one of the best platform games ever devised. The difficulty has been set just right so even after you've finished it you still come back for more.

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