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GB64 Recommended Games...

Di's Baby
Neo-Rio says: As the game comes from "Bad Taste software", you would expect nothing less than a game with a crappy (literally) version of Space Invaders, somehow loosely tied to the royal family. Urgh......

Lord of the Balrogs
Neo-Rio says: Don't laugh at the graphics or ye will anger.... The Lord of the Balrogs. Play this game and you will be addicted to.... The Lord of the Balrogs.

Computer League
Neo-Rio says: Build and sell your own 80's microcomputer, as if it was the 80s! Want to market a 16KB machine with a cassette drive? How about a C64 clone? Keep in mind that when getting a floppy drive for your machine, you'll be charged at 80's prices!

Steve says: Alright, i know... how can you ....? But i love that game and I guess it's one of the first games i've ever seen on the C64. Coded in Basic and still enjoyable.

On Court Tennis
Michael Plate says: Will never forget the fun I had playing this game. My friend Kuddel was always complaining about the bad referee!

Motor Mania
Steve says: First racing game I played on the C64, great fun. This is the one where you could run over pedestrians, correct? ;-)

Neo-Rio says: An unofficial "sequel" to Giana Sisters, this game is just as addictive and playable, although the gameplay differs slightly... just in case Giana Sisters wasn't enough for you.

RISK - Rapid Intercept Seek and Kill
Neo-Rio says: Defender meets steroids. Pick up flying cargo and techies whilst trying not to get blasted. Clear a screen, land on the pads, and get more goodies so you can eventually make your ship very very nasty. The title music is inspiring too.

Arcade Classics
graveyardjohn says: An excellent Firebird £1.99 game, with four classic arcade games - Spacewar, Snakes, Space Invaders and Asteroids, and a top Hubbard heavy-rock soundtrack.

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