GB64 v15 released!!
Halloween is coming up! Just in time for the season the GB64 Team releases the 15th incarnation of the GB64 Collection. Another 700 entries done and dusted with a total of now 25700 games - and still counting - Enjoy!

Posted: 9 Oct 2016 by Steve.
25000 Entries! Gamebase64 v14 released!
What a milestone! The GB64 collection now lists 25000 entries - and there is more to come, including a big surprise and a long lost gem. Onwards and upwards!

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 by Steve.
Gamebase64 collection v13 released!
The GameBase64 Collection v13 is there and this time only half a year
has passed since the last release. Release #13 doesn't bring any bad
luck but instead it is raising the bar to a new level of 24800 database
All in all nearly 500 titles have been added or updated and
support for the latest HVSC #62 is provided! Lean back and enjoy...

Posted: 3 Feb 2015 by Steve.
The Summer Dozen release!
Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow C64 enthusiasts and Retro Gamers! To celebrate the summer, Version 12 of the Gamebase64 database has just been released! The total game count is now 24450 - another 450 new entries!
Enjoy the collection and have a great summer!

Posted: 27 Jul 2014 by Steve.
GB64 Version 11 released - MARCHing on!
It's Spring and to celebrate this, Version 11 of the Gamebase64 database has just been released! The total game count is now 24000 - which means, another 500 entries have been added!
In addition to this, two small (but useful and cool) new features have been added to the website: It is now possible to search and browse the game graphicians - and, if a game is a clone of another title, the main entry will show up on the detail page.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 by Steve.
GB64 MAYhem - Version 10 released!
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to announce that Version 10 of the Gamebase64 database has just been released - adding 500 Games to a new total of 23500 entries!
SYS 64738, LOAD "$",8 and Enjoy!

Posted: 1 May 2013 by Steve.
Only a few days to go! Become an Elite:Dangerous backer now!
Make your pledge now to see the remake of this classic game turn into reality!

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 by Steve.
GB64 v9 is UP!
The GameBase team is once again proud to update the largest and most accurate C64 game database in existance: GameBase 64!
This time in it's 9th iteration we drew the line at a whopping 23,000 game titles!!
In addition to another 500+ new games listed, we managed to find and add a lot of notable missing games and their screenshots, as well as update various titles to better versions. All of this alongside more detailed information on more of the games, and the latest HVSC of course.
Pretty much all the things you've come to expect - and then some!

Posted: 2 Aug 2012 by Neo-Rio.
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