Trappy Pixel - New Zolyx clone released
It's only been 20 years, but I finally finished and released my Zolyx clone Trappy Pixel. It supercedes the older game Bolyx that's been available on this site for years. It's a much more polished game. It has 4 difficulty levels, highscore saver, 1 or 2 player mode, reverse powerups and more. You can play it online or download it for Windows, Mac & Linux.

Posted: 24 Nov 2023 by Jimbo.
GameBase64 v19 is finally online with 30000 entries!
...and it is dedicated to our lost friend Steven Feurer.

Posted: 20 Oct 2023 by Michael Plate.
Steve, we are back and your legacy will stay alive!
We have some good news this time:
With the fortunate help of Chris we managed to get admin access to the GameBase64 website.
We then recruited Damian and Oliver for our team and they helped us to move the website to a new server.
Thank you guys, you saved gb64.com!
BIG THANKS also go out to everyone else who reached out to us and offered help!

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 by Michael Plate.
Rest in Peace, Steve!
On the 4th of July we were about to go live with v19 of the GameBase64 Collection celebrating 30000 entries but then we were shockingly hit by the sudden death of our webmaster and friend Steven. He was a very kind and helpful character and the unexpected loss digs a big hole into this project as he took care of this website.
If you are able to help keep his legacy alive and can move the GameBase64 website to a new home and maintain it please reach out to us at help_at_gb64.com or the forum.

Posted: 20 Sep 2023 by Michael Plate.
Let the celebrations begin!
Spring time again! And today, there is indeed a lot to celebrate. We just brought Gamebase64 version 18 online, now including a whopping 29000 entries!
Next to this, GB64 is celebrating it's 25th year of existence, ain't that something? And there is even more: It's my daughter Laetitia's 17th birthday today and Easter holidays are just around the corner. So let the massive mega-celebrations begin - enjoy GB64 v18!

Posted: 14 Apr 2022 by Steve.
Driving out the cold season with GB64 v17!
Spring time! As the long winter finally seems to be coming to an end in the Northern hemisphere, we'll celebrate by releasing an early Walpurgis release of the Gamebase 64 collection: Version 17 has just risen, consisting of a haunting 28500 entries!

Posted: 25 Apr 2021 by Steve.
Oops!...We Did It Again!
...Or shall we better say 'Welcome to the Pleasuredome of GameBase64 v16'?

Posted: 1 Sep 2019 by Michael Plate.
GB64 Forum v2.0
Thanks to the great support of Shane Wood we have a new forum up and running that finally allows user to register again!

Posted: 14 Nov 2017 by Michael Plate.
Old Site & Old News